Lichttaal ervaringen
Ervaringen met sessies Lichttaal, Quantum Helingsessies, Lichttaalactivaties, activering helderzien, -horen, -weten en voelen.
Note for international clients: you will find also a lot of English reviews here. Just scroll down.
Sanna heeft mij vorige week per zoom een lichttaal healing gegeven voor fysieke en emotionele klachten voortkomend uit een oud fietsongeluk.
Ze legt helder uit wat ze gaat doen.
Haar behandeling is vervolgens zo liefdevol en zacht, de lichttaal zo koesterend. Ze zorgt ervoor dat de heling zich langzaam ontvouwt, in het tempo wat mijn lijf aankan. Ze ontdekt dat ik nog steeds grotendeels boven mijn lichaam zweef, eruit geschoten in pure doodsangst.
Tijdens de sessie voel ik me kleiner worden, compacter. Met een blik vanuit m’n bekken in plaats van vanaf grote hoogte. Mijn aandacht verschuift meer naar de achterkant van m’n lijf, mijn benen in. Dit zal zorgen voor warmere voeten en betere aarding. Voor het eerst voel ik hoe het is om in mijn lichaam te zitten, veel rustiger!
In de dagen na de sessie merk ik dat auditieve en visuele overprikkeling een stuk zijn afgenomen.
Ik heb meer energie, een meer ontspannen zenuwstelsel en een gezonder gesloten aura. Vrienden zeggen dat ik er heel uitgerust uit zie!
Ik heb de aandacht meer bij en in mezelf in plaats van dat ik de buitenwereld constant aan het scannen ben. Zo blijft mijn kostbare energie veel beter omvat. Dank Sanna, dit smaakt naar meer
Francis van de Wiel – Ademcoach
April 2024
Open en onbevangen ging ik de lichtaalhelingssessie met Sanna in.
Mijn wens was om een heling te ontvangen om mij meer met de Bron verbonden te voelen, en mijn focus weer terug te krijgen.
In een veilige bedding waarin ze heel eenvoudig en helder uitlegde wat de Lichttaalhelingssessie beoogde. Zij gaf aan dat zij direct vanuit haar Hoger Zelf met mijn Hoger Zelf contact legt, en met de God-Bron, om te vragen wat er nodig is om mijn wens te realiseren.
Toen zij de heling startte, zakte ik vlot in ontspanning en overgave…. Én dat wil best wat zeggen als dat zo moeiteloos gaat voor mij!
Ook tijdens de reading/channeling en heling bleef ze fijn in contact met mij. Ze haalt zware energie die blokkeert weg, versterkt energetisch mijn multidimensionale structuur daar waar nodig, werkt in auralagen en chakra’s in en buiten het fysieke lichaam, bekrachtigde mijn vermogen tot aarding door mij diep te verankeren in Moeder Aarde, en legt het uit wat het is, als het relevant is.
Ook voelde het heerlijk verfrissend, zacht, liefdevol, tintelend en kristalhelder toen ze het kanaal vanaf mijn kruinchakra naar de Bron opschoonde.
Nu een week later voel ik de sessie nog alsof er een warme mantel over me heen geslagen en ben ik weer een stukje dichter “Thuis bij mezelf en Verbonden met de Bron!”
Dank je wel lieve Sanna!Ellen, maart 2024
Sanna, I want to thank you so much for the beautiful light language healing. It resonated with my soul and I feel so peaceful. I enjoyed hearing what you were doing, and by hearing the light language.
I love that you were working on activating my Inner Knowing (helder weten) and my Clairaudience (helderhorendheid). I felt that whatever you said you were doing, you were really doing. Which doesn’t always happen in healings for me.
I felt sensations all over my body at different times. Saw a lot of purple, and felt deep peace and connection.
Despite the fact that you just started with activating clairs (zoals helder zien, helder weten, helder horen, helder voelen etc), I felt that you really knew what you were doing and that you are the real deal.
I felt lucky to have you share your healing work with me. Sanna is a gifted healer. I trusted her gifts, as I felt them and resonated with them deeply. I felt deeply relaxed, and sensations moving all over my body. I felt a deep connection and a soul remembrance. All in all it was a beautiful experienceAmy Citron, USA – 28 January 2024
Throughout the zoom session, I felt very reassured and relaxed in the presence of Sanna, which was very nice and went better than expected, as I felt more comfortable and calm.
I am familiar to light language however this was the best light language transmission I have received so far! It felt so pure and It connected to me on a very deep/ soul level.
I felt vibrations in parts of my body as Sanna was transmitting the light language and light codes. For the first time, I could actually feel tingling sensations in my body when the the light language was being spoken. I felt my channel from the top of my crown to the soles of my feet being open and clear. After receiving the light language, I felt more empowered in myself and like a sovereign being! Thank you Sanna![]()
To conclude, Sanna is very talented and I will be definitely be using her services to purchase light language again in the future. Lots of Love and Light.
Alaiha Bashir, USAJanuary 2024
I absolutely loved the light language healing with Sanna!
That was the first light language healing I’d has specifically for me.
I told my body to shut down a long time ago and have been working on getting back the feeling in my body. You opened that door and I can feel again.
I can feel emotions and I can feel vibrations going through my body. It was amazing and I’m just loving every moment of life since then. The Source Light Codes you inserted in my being are tangible, and assisting in opening & empowering a new reality for me. Thank you thank you thank you!
Life changing life-changing certainly!!Teri Young, USA, February 2024
Hi Sanna,
I wanted to thank you so much for the beautiful clearing and light language activation session that I had with you.
You were a beautiful channel and the light language, and insight that came through for me in my session, was incredible.
I would highly recommend your light language sessions.
Great that you recorded our session and I am able to practice on my Light language to let it flow and grow!Thank you again for the amazing work you are doing xxx
Shona Crawford, Australia, March 2024
Ik heb een light language (lichttaal) activatie sessie gehad per Zoom gehad van Sanna.
Ik sprak t al wel een beetje, maar wat er nu mocht stromen….. was groots! Na het verwijderen van geblokkeerde energieen en de light language activatie werd het veel makkelijker voor mij, en kwamen er in plaats van een, meerdere lichttalen door. Met hulp van Sanna die haar lichttalen sprak, mocht ik dat nadoen en gaan oefenen.
En opeens stroomde elfen light language maar dan een andere variant die Sanna sprak, dus toch vanuit je eigen ziel spreken wat bij jou hoort. We oefenden met diverse lichttalen, zo ook Draken lichttaal waarbij ik een zwarte draak met oranje en gouden kleuren zag. Het gevoel bij deze draak was verwarmend, liefdevol en krachtig.
Bij het oefenen van de Leeuwmensen lichttaal, zag ik Sekhmet, waarmee ik tijdens mijn eigen werkzaamheden in healingsessies, vaker contact mee hebt en ze zei “Welkom terug”. Dat was een krachtige vuur energie, anders dan de draken lichttaal.De Mantis lichttaal was wat lastiger en stroomde nog niet vloeiend.
De rest ging als vanzelf, uiteraard ga ik nog oefenen. Ze heeft goed uitgelegd hoe de ontwikkeling van lichttaal; spreken zich opbouwt. Bijzonder om mee te maken, de energie te voelen. Na afloop de opname ontvangen van de zoomsessie, zodat ik het nogmaals kan luisteren.
Dank voor deze mooie sessie, ik ga verder met oefenen!
Jacqueline Weckseler – 28 maart 2024
Dear Sanna,
I enjoyed very much the procedure and it’s clarity and the explanations around what you will be looking at and doing. I was very moved emotionally, energetically end physically by the session.
As a clearsentient being it was really interesting to notice how your perception and my perception coincide.
I enjoyed and was moved very much by the vision and reading of another life, and how the light language and your handgestures healed that. It took away the stress of the theme of ‘humiliation’, related tot that former life and my body instantly relaxed. You also cleared my ancestral lines on different relevant themes my Higher Self brought forward, when you tapped into it.
I enjoyed the different language kinds, the dragons for clearing and surely the fairies and you are not the first to tell me I must be connected to them.
I was moved to tears already just when the session started. Sanna is very soft and powerful at the same time. I was surprised by the deep voice and presence of Sanna. I felt very safe and comfortable. The energy moved in waves of release, releasing stuck emotions in the body and the energy centers.
I enjoyed the new light codes very much, some of which surprised me in their quality. The lightcodes are very powerful and are really felt inside.. all so different and pure in their energy.
Sanna is a clearsentient being I would advice very much, who identified one of my core topics within minutes of connecting with by tapping in with my permission to my Higher Self. She helped me on my way to more integration and healing. Thank you 🙂
Alexandra, Switzerland, february 2024
Thank you again Sanna!
You were spot on, you picked up on what needed some healing. I do tend to be the ” caregiver” person. I just want to help everyone. But also need to give back to myself a lot more. You just got all this information, just by asking my Higher Self what is best for me to work on right now, and do a short reading.
It was amazing to feel the energy through the bottom of my feet as you were grounding me. And while I had my eyes closed to help me relax I could definitely see the yellow butterfly coming off my shoulders that you mentioned it felt no nice to be able to feel that. Later beautiful purple fields unfolded, which were surrounding me, and were so comforting. Like coming home. Great that you cleared my stomach area and widened the third chakra area so I feel there is more space for ‘me’. It was like some sort of releasing feeling? Your energy and skills are amazing! You also cleared my third and helped me to see and experience more clearly in the seen and unseen world. You activated my inner hearing and expanded my range of inner seeing.
Thank you again for this session. I still have a lot of healing to do and I hope to have another session with you soon.
Big hugs! Brittney Ramsey – USA February 2024
Dear Sanna Thank you so much for my light language and healing quantum session, here is my review
Sanna Jansen is such a lovely, warm and caring person I felt comfortable, safe and relaxed with her straight away.
We discussed what I wanted healing for and she also connected with my higher self to see what was needed.
Everything was explained to me before the session started.
The session itself was amazing and very relaxing.
I felt calm and uplifted afterwards and slept very well.
I was a little tired the next day but I’d been reassured that this was to be expected.
Since then i have had much less pain in my back and have felt more relaxed in general.
I highly recommend Sanna she is a wonderful healer.
Deborah Preece – USA – 25 February 2024
It is two weeks after our session and I would like to share with you that your light language healing is Awesome!
I asked to help me because I felt apathic and in a dark place, because in a year I lost my husband and 3 brothers. That was too much. My last brother passed away just two weeks before our session. My wish was to be able to attend the memorial music week for my brother (a loved musician), and be open to receive this tribute to him by friends and musicians. because I was so down, I fellt like I couldn’t open up for that event anymore.
You were very connected during the session, and payed close attention to me, and what I was saying. I felt good afterwards. I felt quite empowered after our session, and not a “grieving mess” , and that stayed with me. So that was really helpful. I really enjoyed the tribute to my brother and was ‘back’ again.
I hope to stay connected with you. You are a powerful being.
As I mentioned in our session, .. I recognised your light language dialect, your soul dialect.. sooo heart warming. I feel I speak the same language, but never spoke it in public.
Thanks Sanna, I feel very grateful to have met you.
Leanne Jane, Canada, 31 January 2024